İzbaş | Location Benefits | Turkey in the Global Market

Turkey in the Global Market

Turkey's geopolitical position, strong logistics infrastructure, cost-effective-qualified workforce and liberal investment climate, which is on its way to become the new Headquarters of the global supply chain, provide a suitable environment for international companies and continue to serve as a trade bridge between Asia and Europe. Due to production delays, increasing freight costs and container crisis, European companies are turning to Turkey, which has a strategic location advantage for supply and is a stable center. The exponential increase in long-distance transportation costs continues to select Turkey, which offers location and cost advantages for many foreign

Foreign investor's interest in Turkey in the last 20 years markedly increased.

İzbaş | Location Benefits |

Turkey's New Trade Center; Izmir

Izmir is one of the world's oldest modern life and trade centers. It is the 3rd largest metropolis in Turkey and the 2nd largest commercial center. There are 13 Industrial Zones, 3 Free Zones, 4 Technocities and 10 Universities operating in the city. İzmir, which is the largest export port of Turkey, has Alsancak Port. Izmir Alsancak Port is one of the most important production and logistics centers not only in the Aegean Region but also in Turkey. In addition, it is an important port city together with Aliağa Port and Çandarlı Port, which is the closest to our region.

The contribution of Izmir to industrial production in Turkey is 7%. With the Izmir International Fair and other fairs, it hosts many sectors every year and brings together producers and investors.  Having a strong logistics infrastructure and industrial capacity, Izmir's new investment plans continue to grow with a determined perspective.

İzbaş | Location Benefits | Turkey's New Trade Center; Izmir
İzbaş | Location Benefits | İZBAŞ with its Unique Advantages;

 In addition;

  • With the solar energy investment in force, its environmental contribution continues.
  • A project is being prepared for the conversion of wastewater into utility water.
  • A project is being prepared for the disposal of wastes by incineration.
  • When the time comes, the project of converting company vehicles into electric vehicles is being prepared.

İZBAŞ with its Unique Advantages;

İzmir Free Zone is a highly developed industrial area built on 1.620.000 m2. 

  • Building-plot can be provided for immediate delivery in İzmir Free Zone.
  • There are 2 scales integrated to the port with DBA with a capacity of 80 tons in the region.
  • Warehouse services are offered under very favorable conditions.
  • Electricity and Natural Gas distribution is within İZBAŞ. In case of emergency solution and intervention, our experienced team is available 24/7.
  • With the electricity infrastructure renewed in 2019, uninterrupted and safe electricity distribution service is provided. Thanks to the redundant system established between the ring system and medium voltage distribution centers, uninterrupted energy distribution is provided in the region.
  • The whole region is equipped with fiber optic internet infrastructure in keeping with the developing technology age.
  • Security is provided with 24/7 camera recording system from different points in the region.
  • There is a modern wastewater facility with a capacity of 2000 m3 per day in İzmir Free Zone.
  • İzmir Free Zone is the only free zone with Solar Drying Facility.
  • Domestic waste collection service is provided by İZBAŞ.
  • General cleaning, landscaping and general maintenance-repair works of the region are carried out by our experienced team.
  • There is a Fire Brigade within the region.
  • It provides professional health service and experienced occupational safety services with the Joint Health and Safety Unit.

I Want to Invest in İZBAŞ

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