Aliağa is really close. 12.000 tonnes of raw material we produce will be 40.000 tonnes soon bringing that from port to here is fast and low cost. İzmir Port in terms of being an export port. That is a major advantage for us to bring export goods from here to the port by offering logistical advantages. That’s why we decided to invest in İZBAŞ ( İzmir Free Zone).
DERİ 2000 is being for 18 years supporting leather goods to all over the World fort he last 18 years. İZBAŞ (İzmir Free Zone) is the one special free zone in the World due to special infrastructure and professional management.
Since the day we planned our investments on renewable energy we try to develop areas and searched for a long time. İZBAŞ (İzmir Free Zone) enabled us to carry out by supplying a big area during our seemingly hopeless time. We established the biggest wing production facility in Turkey and also in the Europe on 200.000 sqm. area. At the same time having the investment to ourselves by supplying registered areas have made us financially stronger. We both became the landlords and reap the benefits from free zone.
EGESİM one of the leading electrical and automation companies in Turkey and solutions partner of Siemens. The advantages of IZBAS (İzmir Free Zone) offer are making the trade easier and let us to provide fast service to our customers. By coming to the free zone , we significantly iincreased our business potential over the last 11 years.
We are happy to be at İZBAŞ (İzmir Free Zone). There are a lot of reasons for this, but I can say location is number one. It is a great advantage for us to be close to both city and northern ports. It is important for us to utilize for all advantages of freee zone offers The friendly approach and the solution orientedness we found at İZBAŞ, along with the cost of location were among the relevant factors of our decision.
We choose İZBAŞ (İzmir Free Zone) to produce raw materials Turkish Industry’s been depending on import sch as potassium nitrate, monochloroaseticacid, caustic potash. During our investments, İZBAŞ kept helping us and we owe them gratitude. Our investments will keep growing.
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